Monday, May 25, 2009

XP Mode for other operating systems

Recently I blogged about internals of XP mode – how it works and I also mentioned that it is NOT only for Windows XP, however also Windows Vista and Windows 7 are supported.

For me personally, this mode is extremely interesting. For example I can try all new applications in my virtual pc first (however use it as RemoteApp from my regular desktop) and when I’ll like them, I can install them to my regular desktop… And if I won’t? Undo changes to VHD ;)

Another reason can be that sometimes you need access to applications that are not available for Windows 7 – I don’t use such legacy applications, but I am scripting in Powershell – and in Windows 7, you have Posh v2 ;) So for testing I can install multiple operating systems and just validate automatically whether my scripts works or not.

So what to do if you want to “publish” applications from Windows 7?


1.) Install Windows 7 to virtual PC

2.) Install Integration components

3.) Create new registry key in location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Terminal Server\TsAppAllowList\Applications\NameOfYourApplication

4.) Create registry entry with name Path (string). Value is location of your application.


Well, that’s it… I tried it and it works for me. All you need to do know is run following from Run (or cmd.exe\powershell.exe, create shortcut, it’s completely up to you):

vmsal.exe "Windows 7" "||IE" "IE"

As you can see below, I run one Internet Explorer from my own OS (glass) and another from virtualized Windows 7:


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